Dear Laser Sailors,
I am selling my season old (raced roughly 5 times) Laser XD.   XD is the ultral high end Laser Performance equipment package that costs over $6,100 new ($6400 for 2010).  I also added Harken carbon micro mainsheet cleats on both sides and an inspection port on the starboard side of the mainsheet block that holds an ultra large storage bag.  I do this on all my boats an love it.  Great for water, food, gloves and can even fit a spray top easily.  My boat comes (part of the XD package) with the Hyde sail (Laser Europe) and I only used the sail at 2 events (2 racing days, or 9 races).  All the top laser sailors use the hyde sail as it is slightly smoother and lasts longer.  The Hyde sail comes from the factory per the XD Laser Package with a rolling system to store it perfectly flat, no wrinkles or creases and was never folded.  
The hull (all stark white), foils (I always use my edge protectors), spars (stored in a padded spar bag) and running rigging is all in excellent condition.  The final key feature of the XD package also the XD tiller and tiller extension which run $400+ if purchased separately.  They are awesome.  I will never sail with another tiller/tiller extension combination.  Its incredibly stiff, easy to cleat the rudder and ridiculously light.
If you are interested or know someone who is interested let me know ASAP.  I already have buyer in Annapolis but do not want to deal with the hassle of arranging to have him pick it planning on holding out for the weekend so see if someone more local wants the boat.
I am selling the boat for 5k.  Contact info below.
248 464 0240